Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Bigger and Better 2008

Here's to the road ahead,
2008 is already here.... It has definitely had its ups and downs...Between the two of us in 2007 money was made and lost and made again, lessons were learned.
We made a big jump in our knowledge of finances...We taught friends how to trade in the Stock/Currency Market, to buy Real Estate and other money making endeavors.
Although we had fun last year, 2008 is about doing it Bigger and Better, and taking our dreams and goals to the next level...

While it's true we've been faced with many problems in the last year, like the real estate downfall, the credit crunch, (yes it affected us) the war, racism, street violence, poverty etc. What do we do? do we give up? Do we buy into being a victim? No! We take life head on and let the bruises from our strife and experiences make us better.

We continue on as beacons to our communities, like the men and women before us. Knowing that success is the best thing we can do for ourselves and for the world.

Many of the wealthy we encountered were the first in their families to become rich. The myth is: only the rich get rich...The reality is anybody can become wealthy if they want it bad enough.
With financial security you have more options.
We all deserve to be wealthy financially, mentally and physically. But most people just don't know what it takes.

The great news is, we do. We positioned ourselves around so many wealthy people in 2007 it was just ridiculous, but we were on a mission to obtain substantial wealth for ourselves. We studied their behaviors and asked a lot of questions and finally, equipped with an oil lamp and compass, we concluded the first stage of our research with a road map, so you can follow.

We will continue marking our path to riches, come along. As a complimentary service, once a month, we will share what we have learned, along with the success that we are experiencing and hopefully we can get you excited about your life and the possibilities.

Additionally, we will share successful innovative money making systems that work! This year we have a lot on our plate. The Stock/Currency markets, real estate, corporate credit, investment clubs, seminars, workshops, lectures and stand-up comedy [yes we are back]. We'll be learning new things like the commodities market and internet marketing. We'll be busy this year, I'm glad it's two of us.

Here's one piece of information gleaned from the wealthy- "believe you can have anything you want in life, but you'll have be able to change and grow, or you'll just stay will force you to adapt if you want to stay relevant."

We leave this blog by saying: You control your fate in 2008!
Health, Wealth and Freedom.

The Mooney Twins

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Winning the Money Game ~ Tour America

Los Angeles, CA - December 27, 2007- According to The Mooney Twins, "there is, infact, a poverty disease growing in the country." To address the problem of growing financial distress for America's youth, Conscious comedian/Investment consultants, The Mooney Twins present "Winning the Money Game - Tour America 2008.

While financial forecasters have a lot to say about the economic depression that seems to lurk upon the American People. When referring to the economic break down and real-estate slump of 2007, The Mooney Twins call it a condition of "Brokitis." Daryl Mooney says it's inflammation of the credit card. Dwayne Mooney says it empty pocket syndrome.

But whatever the case The Mooney Twins believe the best way to help the poor is to refuse to be one of them.

With their humorous and financially enlightening lecture series The Mooney Twins provide aggressive investment information, stock and currency market introduction, and financial self help and motivation for youth of the digital era.

The Mooney Twins Network financial seminars are designed to introduce seemingly complex information to young people, in a format and tone they can easily digest. "Winning the Money Game for Young People" is an appropriate presentation for needs unique to the age of information and its special requirement of heavy stimulation and immediate reward.

This tour is slated to be one of the most innovative power lectures for young people of the year.
"Expect the most fun and information available in a lecture seminar with The Mooney Twins lecture series "Winning the Money game ~Tour 2008," said publicist, Billie Jordan.

The Mooney Twins have cracked the do-it-your-self code to investing in the stock and currency markets, and have set out to empower America's youth to take advantage of an era where the road to wealth, buried under a plethora of information, can been paved and clear.

At a time when information can be confusing in its abundance, The Mooney Twins cut out the need to sift through tons of information and figure a course. "Winning the Money Game" is more than a seminar, it's a plan of action.

Winning the Money Game~ Tour 2008 is a youth financial lecture series and subsequent action plan with comedic relief. The seminar topics include the mindset for wealth motivation, making and saving money, the power of good credit vs. poor credit, investing in the stock and currency markets, the importance of homeownership and more.

The Mooney Twins' Winning the Money Game~ Tour 2008 expects to be one of the most motivating and financially relevant of the year for young people, precise resources for follow through provided.

The Mooney Twins are committed to identifying and providing the most innovative finance & health opportunites available. And as always, humor and outstanding personal service
Arrange to bring The Mooney Twins and "Winning the Money Game for Young People" to your neighborhood schools or community events today.

For media interviews, or booking information contact Billie Jordan/ Hollywood Brownstone Public Relations & Publishing 323-383-2687
Or Contact The Mooney Twins Network 323-823-4969

The Mooney Twins